Born a die-hard recycler, Les has always loved creating both art and utilitarian objects using discarded or pre-existing material. Inspired by the parameters dictated by the materials she is recycling, her best creations bring those materials to life! Not wanting to throw used things in the garbage, she started with fortune-telling sets made out of old gum wrappers, and envelopes made from flyers, to, more recently, furniture made from painted crates, frames from discarded wood, jewelry made from used guitar strings, bags made from used vinyl banners, and picture frames from old press parts.
This site was born to sell bags but has morphed into ANZU PIECE, that covers anything made by upcycling. We’ve even branched out to sell upcycled items made by others.
It’s your one-stop upcycled creations shop!
All ANZU PIECEs are made using materials destined for the landfill. These materials have either fulfilled their purpose and are considered waste or have some flaws so cannot be used for their original purpose. These imperfections are unavoidable (even desirable) and make each item a unique, recycled PIECE. Please enjoy your PIECE, embracing and forgiving its imperfections.